Text Neck



Are you constantly looking down at your phone, tablet or other wireless device? If so, then this may be causing damage to your neck and back.

In today’s society, with the rise in mobile technology, people are becoming addicted to their screens and are constantly hunched over. iPosture and text neck are modern age curse and is common among many.

Dr Carter, from the Australian Spinal Research Foundation states that on average “a person spends about four hours bending their necks looking at their mobile devices…and this causes a shift in spine alignment up to 4cm”. He also revealed that there is an alarming increase in the number of people who suffer from text neck and that in the last few years “over 50% of them were school-age teenager”.

These statistics are definitely alarming. We are becoming zombies, transfixed on our screens and this is detrimental not only to our posture but also for our society as we are becoming antisocial.

Some symptoms of text neck include: neck pain, soreness, muscle spasms and upper back or shoulder pain.

Here are some simple ways to prevent ‘text neck’

  1. Raise the phone to eye level so that your head isn’t tilted down, keep your shoulders back and maintain an upright posture
  2. Try performing some simple shoulder and neck stretches to keep your blood circulating and ease muscle pain.
  3. Avoid using your laptop or mobile phone while you’re sitting on your bed.
  4. Take frequent breaks, look up or just put down your mobile device. 

Here’s our challenge for you!

Next time you’re out eating with friends or family, put down your phone and don’t look at it until everyone has finished their meal. Get your friends involved too and have everyone place their phones face down on the table. Enjoy having conversations with those around you and embrace your surroundings.



 Taylor, M. 2015. ‘What smartphone use is doing to our teens’. Daily Telegraph. <http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/central-coast/curse-of-modern-era-warning-over-the-rapid-rise-of-text-neck-in-teens-due-to-smartphone-addiction/news-story/3c15c9cde79a0207f9536f72569bd3f9>

Image from Flickr: Creative Commons

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